Retirement Expense & Income calculator
Projecting expenses in retirement just got easier for your client with the Retirement Expense & Income calculator from Jackson. Our tool provides a way for you to help your clients effectively project their expenses in retirement using factors such as current income, retirement age, and retirement state. You can also calculate the gap between essential expenses and guaranteed income to help your client find a solution.
Social Security calculator
Social Security is a foundational part of a retirement income plan and deciding when to start collecting monthly benefits is an important decision. Our Social Security calculator, powered by Envestnet MoneyGuide, is designed to help make a client's decision easier.
Tax deferral calculator
Use our tax deferral* calculator to learn how nonqualified annuities could help reduce tax drag on investments and help your clients achieve their financial goals.
Tax advantages of annuities
Deposits into an annuity are tax-deferred*, which can have a dramatic effect on the growth of an investment. Use this calculator to compare your client's tax advantages of purchasing an annuity versus an investment account where the interest is taxed each year.
Compare a taxable investment to a tax-deferred investment
Tax-deferral* can have a dramatic effect on the accumulation and withdrawal amounts of an investment. This analysis will help to compare the accumulation values and after-tax withdrawals of an investment subject to income tax each year versus deferring the tax until withdrawals occur.