Retirement expense & income calculator
Our Retirement Expense and Income calculator helps to detect areas that may need improvement by assessing your current and future expenses, along with a proposed gap solution based on any retirement income gaps.
Social Security calculator
Our Social Security calculator, powered by Envestnet MoneyGuide, is designed to help decide when to start collecting monthly benefits.
Tax deferral calculator
Use our tax deferral* calculator to learn how nonqualified annuities could help reduce tax drag on investments and help achieve your financial goals.
Tax advantages of annuities calculator
Use this calculator to compare your tax advantages of purchasing an annuity versus an investment account where the interest is taxed each year.
Taxable investment to a tax-deferred annuity comparison
This analysis will help to compare the accumulation values and after-tax withdrawals of an investment subject to income tax each year versus deferring the tax until withdrawals occur.*